Fri, 29 November 2019
41살 하고 40살 아들 둘이 있는데 결혼을 안 한다고 해서 고민입니다 |
Thu, 28 November 2019
제가 잘못된 행동을 해서 어머니가 화가 나 심한 말을 하세요 |
Tue, 26 November 2019
Ven. Pomnyun's Answer to "My Daughter is Just Like My Husband” Selection from a Dharma Q&A session at Bethesda Chevy Chase Regional Service Center in Washington D.C. (September 18, 2019)
Questioner : It’s been 15 years since I got married and my daughter is 12 years old. Just hitting the beginning of teenager age. Before I even resolved my relationship with my husband, things that I do not agree with, like his personality-wise or daily habit-wise, I see my daughter displaying the same habits and personalities that my husband has that I’m not crazy about. So I noticed lately that the way I try to handle the situation is I’m becoming way too strict and I try to discipline my daughter more than what’s needed because I have the frustration towards my husband and seeing that from my own child is making me go crazy. So I don’t know how to handle this without hurting my daughter because I sometimes do realize I go way above and beyond to try to fix it. I know it’s in her, she might have been born with it. It might be her genes. That’s the frustration I have with my own 12-years daughter, handling her. So if you can just advise me how I should be a wise mom without worsening this relationship with my daughter, I’ll appreciate it. |
Mon, 25 November 2019
허랑방탕하게 살 때보다 너무 즐거우니까 어… |
Fri, 22 November 2019
저는 무절제한 아들과 며느리의 채무를 갚아주고 싶은데 |
Thu, 21 November 2019
불교에서 얘기하는 무아라고 하는 것하고 유학에서 얘기하고 있는 자아라고 하는 것이 |
Tue, 19 November 2019
Ven. Pomnyun's Answer to "Dealing with Difficult Colleagues” Questioner (Q): Hello Sunim. So in this [pressure] to perform world, how you can control and how you can keep yourself calm when you are with your aggressive colleagues that always want to hijack your conversation with others, and tries to improvise and take the conversation in their own way. How can you keep calm in that situation?
Mon, 18 November 2019
고등학교 2학년인데요 |
Fri, 15 November 2019
“요즘 제가 뇌 교육에 대해 관심이 많습니다 아이를 자존감 있게 키운다 |
Thu, 14 November 2019
무(無) 삼법인(三法印)은 왜 없는지? 궁금합니다 |
Tue, 12 November 2019
Be Here, Now and Me: the Way to Nirvana Ven. Pomnyun's Dharma talk about "Be Here, Now and Me: the Way to Nirvana” 지금 여기 나에 깨어있기: 열반으로 가는 길
Direct download: foreigner20190615BusanCityHallquestioner8.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:30pm JST |
Mon, 11 November 2019
부적을 해야 될지 말아야 될지 고민입니다 |
Fri, 8 November 2019
"신랑이랑 저랑 둘다 욱하는 성질인데 그러니까 신랑이 먼저 욱하면 저는 참고 있어요. 참다가 욱해요." |
Thu, 7 November 2019
서른일곱 살 직장인 여성입니다 |
Tue, 5 November 2019
Ven. Pomnyun's Answer to "How Can We Solve World Problems in a Non-Materialistic Way?” Questioner : So the world now going like materialistically, material like money-money. How can we approach that barriers between religions, between nations? 제목 : 물질주의적이지 않은 방식으로 세상의 문제를 해결할 수 있나요?
Mon, 4 November 2019
저는 딸하고 지금 사이가 안 좋아요 |